Current News

Cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer ymchwil dementia a cham-drin yn y cartref

Mae prosiect ymchwil sy’n archwilio’r cysylltiad rhwng dementia a cham-drin domestig ymhlith pobl hŷn wedi derbyn cyllid ychwanegol gan Comic Relief ac Adran Diwylliant, Cyfryngau a Chwaraeon Llywodraeth y DU drwy’r Gronfa Treth Tampon. Lansiwyd yr astudiaeth gan y Ganolfan Oedran, Rhyw a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol yn Adran y Gyfraith a Throseddeg Prifysgol Aberystwyth ym mis […]

Cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer ymchwil dementia a cham-drin yn y cartref Read More »

Funding Boost for Dementia and Domestic Abuse Research

A research project examining the link between dementia and domestic abuse in older people has been awarded additional funding by Comic Relief and the UK Government’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) through the Tampon Tax Fund. The study by the Centre for Age, Gender and Social Justice at Aberystwyth University’s Department of

Funding Boost for Dementia and Domestic Abuse Research Read More »

Transforming the response for older people experiencing domestic abuse – a call for action

After a delay due to COVID-19 our victim survivors petition was discussed again by the Petitions Committee on Tuesday 9th June 2020 after a response from the Deputy Minister and Chief Whip and a reply from Dewis Choice. To view the petition being discussed follow this link, the discussion begins at 0.35.38: The Committee

Transforming the response for older people experiencing domestic abuse – a call for action Read More »

Covid-19 action group backs new online training on domestic abuse in later life

A new online domestic abuse training course developed at Aberystwyth University has received the backing of organisations across Wales working to stop the abuse of older people. The bite-size course, created by the Dewis Choice project based in the University’s Department of Law and Criminology, offers free training to front-line practitioners across the United Kingdom

Covid-19 action group backs new online training on domestic abuse in later life Read More »

Free Online Training Available to Front-line Practitioners

For extra support in this critical time, the Dewis Choice team is able to offer free online training to professionals. Contact Elize Freeman at to book a session Coronavirus presents significant challenges to the health and wellbeing of the nation. For older people experiencing abuse by intimate partners or adult family members the current

Free Online Training Available to Front-line Practitioners Read More »

“You’re not alone. We’re here for you and we can help and support you.”

22.04.2020 Organisations working to safeguard and protect people who experience abuse or are the victims of crime have joined forces to ensure that older people can get the support they need to keep them safe and protected during this difficult time. And they have a simple message for older people in Wales who may be

“You’re not alone. We’re here for you and we can help and support you.” Read More »

University offers free online training on domestic abuse during COVID-19

A research project based at Aberystwyth University is offering free online training to front-line practitioners across the United Kingdom dealing with cases of domestic abuse among older people during the current coronavirus lockdown. Based at the Centre for Age, Gender and Social Justice in the Department of Law & Criminology, the Dewis Choice project has

University offers free online training on domestic abuse during COVID-19 Read More »

Centre For Age Gender and Social Justice