Responding to older people affected by domestic abuse
The Dewis Choice team are very pleased and proud to have worked with SafeLives, helping to develop and deliver part of their new Expert level training course on, ‘Responding to older people affected by domestic abuse’.

This training course helped professionals working in this area to improve their response to older people who are experiencing domestic abuse.
It’s important that support for older people is delivered in a way that is tailored to their needs. That’s why the Dewis Choice team are pleased to be so involved with this new Expert level course. Other specialist agencies involved include Age UK, Surviving Economic Abuse and East Lancashire CCG.
The course will increase understanding of the dynamics of domestic abuse and how it may be different for older people. It will encourage participants to consider how age-related factors may impact on a person’s experience of abuse, the key risk factors for serious harm, and how to safety plan in a multi-agency context.
The course is being run as a pilot. It is suitable for SafeLives qualified IDVAs and is being offered free of charge, although there is a £50 charge if you wish to complete the accreditation.
For more details on the courses, locations and dates please visit the SafeLives website