Our Training

The Centre for Age, Gender and Social Justice offers evidence based online and face to face training. 

Over the past five years the Centre has delivered training and guidance to over 18,700 practitioners and managers across Wales, England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

who we work with

The Centre has designed and delivered specialist training nationally for organisations including Social Care Wales, the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Welsh Women’s Aid and Adult Support and Protection networks across Scotland. 

SafeLives, a leading UK domestic abuse training provider, invited researchers at the Centre to deliver training on the pilot ‘Older People’s Violence Advisor’. The specialist training was designed for Independent Domestic Violence/Abuse Advisers (IDVAs) across England and Wales, focussing on older people.


The overarching aim of our training is to use research directly informed by participants of the project and share specialist knowledge through a variety of formats in the following areas: 

Early intervention
Crisis support
Rights and entitlements
Co-existence of dementia and domestic abuse

Increasing individual safety
Recovery and well-being
Older LGBTQ+ people and domestic abuse

Working With

Enhanced knowledge exchange activities

The Centre offers a range of accessible tools to practitioners, volunteers and community members including:
Online forums
Discussion groups 

Centre For Age Gender and Social Justice
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