Advice for professionals

Further your learning

The Centre for Age, Gender and Social Justice has developed free training and guidance for practitioners who work with older people experiencing domestic abuse or care-giver stress. Our training and guidance are informed by research conducted at the Centre, including the first longitudinal study to draw directly on older peoples lived experiences of help-seeking. 

Watch this space for training information!

free confidential advice and support

For a list of organisations providing free confidential advice and support for older people, press the button below.


This free guidance is for practitioners working in statutory and third sector organisations. The sections contain a range of toolkits and handy advice on responding to domestic abuse in later life including legislation, detection, prevention and justice and wellbeing options. The guidance also covers advice on supporting individuals with reduced levels of capacity and/or who identify as LGBTQ+. 

To obtain a free copy of the guidance please contact us at

If you are a practitioner looking for advice or support for in a specific area relating to older people, domestic abuse and care-giver stress, you can contact us for confidential advice at

Centre For Age Gender and Social Justice
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