Researchers from the Centre have presented at academic, policy and practice-related conferences. We have also ran awareness raising campaigns, knowledge exchange activities including film screenings, interactive workshops, and case studies at events that involve our volunteers and victim-survivors. Details of these international, national and regional events and activities can be found in our research sections  

The Centre has facilitated workshops with volunteers to develop a petition ‘Transforming the Response to Domestic Abuse in Later Life’, which has been debated several times at the Senedd. Which can be found here


We have taken part in multiple campaigning events including: the White Ribbon event, Elder Abuse Day, 16 days of activism against gender-based violence and an National annual 50+ Forum event at the Botanic Gardens.
As a member of Welsh Government and Older People's Commissioner for Wales Action Groups, Dewis Choice contributed to Welsh Government campaigns, including, the Welsh Government Protecting and Safeguarding Older People: Covid-19 Information Pack, the You Are Not Alone campaign, and Homes Should Be A Safe Space campaign

sharing our findings

Researchers have shared the findings around older people’s experiences of help-seeking on domestic abuse, civil and criminal justice responses and safeguarding. The learning is part of a uk-wide training package for strategic leads and practitioners, which includes access to free publications, guidance and practitioner toolkits

Centre For Age Gender and Social Justice
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